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OData (Open Data Protocol) is an OASIS standard that establishes best practices for designing RESTful APIs. One of the capabilities of OData is providing the ability to filter data using a standardized method across RESTful APIs, regardless if they are vendor provided or custom developed. Astro 1 95 – facebook messenger on mac. Since Microsoft Flow's connectors are built-upon RESTful APIs, many of our connectors support the ability to filter datasets server-side using OData. Some of the benefits of using OData include reducing the amount of data you are bringing into your flow, thus reducing the need to loop through a record set to find values of interest.

Which state of matter has a definite shape, a definite volume and cannot flow?? Solid or liquid? Gas Which state of matter is represented in the following diagram? The melting point of lead is 327.5 °C. Which two of the following statements are correct?? Lead is a solid at 310 °C?

Achieving a flow state is best accomplished while focusing on one major task that requires a significant portion of brain power. Multitasking would create a web of distractions that make it impossible to achieve flow state. Identify your peak creative and productive times. Identify the times where your mind most naturally functions at full speed. Sections 327(a) and 327(b) Sections 5.609(b)(9) and 5.612: Does the new law apply to both a part-time and a full-time student enrolled at an institution of higher. Flow state is commonly known as 'runner's high' or 'the zone.' Yet it's not just a state for ultra-athletes. If you know how, you can enjoy it for greater pr.

In this blog post we are going to explore some popular OData filter expressions that you can use with some of our most popular connectors including SQL Server, Dynamics 365 and SharePoint Online.

Scenario #1: Get Rows from SQL Server and filter on Customer Name

We have the following Azure SQL database with a table that contains many work orders. From Microsoft Flow, we want to return only rows where the Customer Name is equal to 'Contoso'

Inside of Microsoft Flow, we can add a SQL Server – Get Rows action. After providing a Table name we also have the ability to provide a Filter Query . Inside this textbox we will provide a statement of CustomerName eq 'Contoso'. The breakdown of this syntax is we need to provide the name of the field in the source system (i.e. SQL Server), followed by an operator. In this case we want to use = which is represented as eq in OData. Don't use the = symbol otherwise you will get a runtime error. Lastly, we need to provide a value that we want to filter on. In this case we want to filter on Contoso. Since it is a string, we need to wrap it in single quotes ' '.

For the purposes of this blog post, we will wrap the results in HTML and send them via Office 365 Outlook connector so we can verify our results.

After the flow executes, our we will see our results rendered successfully and only records with a Customer Name of Contoso are displayed.

Scenario #2: Get Rows from SQL Server and filter on date

In this scenario we want to filter out older records and only retrieve records that have a Work Order Create Date that is less than 30 days old. To accomplish this we will also use a flow expression that will calculate the date, 30 days ago. We will then look for any records that have a Work Order Create Date that is greater than this date. The complete expression is: WorkOrderCreatedTime gt addDays(utcnow('yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ'),-30). In this scenario, WorkOrderCreatedTime is our source field, gt represents our 'greater than' operator and addDays(utcnow('yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ'),-30) will calculate a date of 30 days prior.

The results only include records that are less than 30 days old.

Scenario #3: List Records from Dynamics 365 using an AND clause

We will now move onto the Dynamics 365 connector where we can also use OData to filter out records. In this case we want to want to retrieve only records where the Account Name is Contoso Hospital AND the City is Phoenix . Microsoft office for mac 2016 15 11 2 download free. To accomplish this we will use an AND clause that will let us join two statements. The first being our (Account) name being equal to 'Contoso Hospital' and secondly, our address1_city being equal to 'Phoenix'. Our complete statement is name eq 'Contoso Hospital' and address1_city eq 'Phoenix'.

When we execute our flow, we will see results only related to the Contoso Hospital in Phoenix.

Scenario #4: List Records from SharePoint Online that Starts With

In our final scenario, we are going to filter records from a custom SharePoint list. In this particular example, we have 4 records within a SharePoint List and we want to filter on all sites that start with the word 'Contoso' .

From a flow perspective, we will include the following OData query within our SharePoint action: startswith(Title,'Contoso') where Title is the name of the column that we want to filter on and Contoso is the value we want to the column to start with.

When our flow runs, we will discover that only the Site Names that beginthe word Contoso are included in our results.


In this blog post we covered 4 different OData queries across 3 different connectors including SQL Server, Dynamics 365 and SharePoint Online. While the syntax is a little different than what you are used to when using T-SQL, the power available to you unlocks new ways to filter your data in Microsoft Flow. Using OData to filter at the data source will reduce execution times as it reduces the need to loop through data sets in order to find specific records. So not only is this more efficient by sending smaller messages around, but it will also allow your flows to run faster.


For more examples of OData filter expressions, please check out the following Microsoft page.

Register to enable 'Calculate' button for pipe flow calculator.

Units in pipe flow calculator: cfs=cubic foot per second, cm=centimeter, cP=centipoise, cSt=centistoke, ft=foot, g=gram, gal=U.S. gallon, gpd=U.S. gallon per day, gpm=U.S. gallon per minute, hp=horsepower, kg=kilogram, lb=pound, m=meter, min=minute, N=Newton, Pa=Pascal, psi=lb/inch2, s=second

Flow State 1 327 Engine

Cleanmymac x 4 4 6 x 6. Pipe flow calculator topics: Pipe Flow ScenariosEquationsMinor Loss CoefficientsCommon QuestionsReferences

Our pipe flow calculator is based on the steady state incompressible energy equation utilizing Darcy-Weisbach friction losses as well as minor losses. The pipe flow calculation can compute flow rate, velocity, pipe diameter, elevation difference, pressure difference, pipe length, minor loss coefficient, and pump head (total dynamic head). The density and viscosity of a variety of liquids and gases are coded into the pipe flow program, but you can alternatively select 'User defined fluid' and enter the density and viscosity for fluids not listed. Though some industries use the term 'fluid' when referring to liquids, we use it to mean either liquids or gases in our pipe flow calculator. The pipe flow calculation allows you to select from a variety of piping scenarios which are discussed below.

Comments on gas flow
As mentioned above, the equations that our pipe flow calculator is based upon are for incompressible flow. The incompressible flow assumption is valid for liquids. It is also valid for gases if the pressure drop is less than 40% of the upstream pressure. Crane (1988, p. 3-3) states that if the pressure drop is less than 10% of the upstream gage pressure (gage pressure is pressure relative to atmospheric pressure) and an incompressible model is used, then the gas density should be based on either the upstream or the downstream conditions. If the pressure drop is between 10% and 40% of the upstream gage pressure, then the density should be based on the average of the upstream and downstream conditions. If the pressure drop exceeds 40% of the upstream gage pressure, then a compressible pipe flow model, like the Weymouth, Panhandle A, or Panhandle B should be used.

Pipe Flow Scenarios
Since boundary conditions affect the flow characteristics, our pipe flow calculator allows you to select whether your locations 1 and 2 are within pipes, at the surface of open reservoirs, or in pressurized mains (same as pressurized tank). If there is no pump between locations 1 and 2, then enter the pump head (Hp) as 0.

Flow State 1 327 Pcv

Steady State Energy EquationBack to Pipe Flow CalculatorReferences
The first equation shown is the steady state energy equation for incompressible pipe flow. The left side of the equation contains what we call the driving heads. These heads include heads due to a pump (if present), elevation, pressure, and velocity. The terms on the right side are friction loss and minor losses. Friction losses are computed using the Darcy Weisbach friction loss equation. The friction factor for turbulent flow is found using the Colebrook equation which represents the Moody diagram. f is the Moody friction factor. The pipe flow equations are well-accepted in the field of fluid mechanics and can be found in many references such as Cimbala and Cengel (2008), Munson et al. (1998), and Streeter et al. Tower 2 6 6 download free. (1998).

The pipe flow equations above are dimensionally correct which means that the units for the variables are consistent. A consistent set of English units would be mass in slugs, weight and force in pounds, length in feet, and time in seconds. SI units are also a consistent set of units with mass in kilograms, weight and force in Newtons, length in meters, and time in seconds. Our pipe flow calculator allows you to enter a variety of units and automatically performs the unit conversions.

A = Pipe cross-sectional area, ft2 or m2.
D = Pipe diameter, ft or m.
Driving Head (DH) = left side of the first equation (or right side of the equation), ft or m. This is not total dynamic head.
e = Pipe surface roughness, ft or m. Select from the drop-down menu in our calculation. Additional values.
f = Moody friction factor, unit-less. Do not confuse the Moody f with the Fanning friction factor. f = 4 fFanning .
g = acceleration due to gravity = 32.174 ft/s2 = 9.8066 m/s2.
hf = Major (friction) losses, ft or m.
hm = Minor losses, ft or m.
Hp = Pump head (also known as Total Dynamic Head), ft or m.
Km = Sum of minor losses coefficients. See table below.
log = Common (base 10) logarithm.
Pump Power (computed by program) = SQHp, lb-ft/s or N-m/s. Theoretical pump power. Does not include an inefficiency term. Note that 1 horsepower = 550 ft-lb/s.
P1 = Upstream pressure, lb/ft2 or N/m2.
P2 = Downstream pressure, lb/ft2 or N/m2.
Re = Reynolds number, unit-less.
Q = Flow rate in pipe, ft3/s or m3/s.
S = Weight density, lb/ft3 or N/m3.
V = Velocity in pipe, ft/s or m/s.
V1 = Upstream velocity, ft/s or m/s.
V2 = Downstream velocity, ft/s or m/s.
Z1 = Upstream elevation, ft or m.
Z2 = Downstream elevation, ft or m.
v = Kinematic viscosity, ft2/s or m2/s. Note that kinematic viscosity = dynamic viscosity divided by density.
All of our calculations utilize double precision. Newton's method (a numerical method) is used to solve the Colebrook equation accurate to 8 significant digits. A cubic solver (numerical method) is used for 'Solve for V, Q,' 'Q known. Solve for Pipe Diameter,' and 'V known. Solve for Pipe Diameter.' More than one solution is possible for these three calculations since there could be a result in the laminar range and the turbulent range. There may even be two possible results in the laminar range for 'Solve for V, Q' if scenario D or G is selected. All of the possible solutions are computed and output. If multiple solutions are computed, please click in the numeric field and click the right arrow key to see all of the digits. If you have selected 'Q known. Solve for Pipe Diameter,' and scenario D or G, you must enter Km>1. All calculations are analytic (closed form) except as mentioned here.

Table of Minor Loss Coefficients for Pipe Flow Calculator (Km is unit-less) ReferencesBack to Pipe Flow Calculator

Globe, fully open10Regular 90°, flanged0.3
Angle, fully open2Regular 90°, threaded1.5
Gate, fully open0.15Long radius 90°, flanged0.2
Gate 1/4 closed0.26Long radius 90°, threaded0.7
Gate, 1/2 closed2.1Long radius 45°, threaded0.2
Gate, 3/4 closed17Regular 45°, threaded0.4
Swing check, forward flow2
Swing check, backward flowinfinityTees:
Line flow, flanged0.2
180° return bends:Line flow, threaded0.9
Flanged0.2Branch flow, flanged1.0
Threaded1.5Branch flow, threaded2.0
Pipe Entrance (Reservoir to Pipe):Pipe Exit (Pipe to Reservoir)
Square Connection0.5Square Connection1.0
Rounded Connection0.2Rounded Connection1.0
Re-entrant (pipe juts into tank)1.0Re-entrant (pipe juts into tank)1.0

Common Questions about the Pipe Flow CalculatorBack to Pipe Flow Calculator
I took fluid mechanics and learned about pipe flow calculations a long long time ago. What is head? Why does it have units of length? Head is energy per unit weight of fluid (i.e. Force x Length/Weight = Length). The pipe flow calculator on this page solves the energy equation (shown above); we call energy 'head.'
Why is Pressure=0 for a reservoir?
A reservoir is open to the atmosphere, so its gage pressure is zero.
Why is Velocity=0 for a reservoir? This is a common assumption in fluid mechanics and is based on the fact that a reservoir has a large surface area. Therefore, the liquid level drops very little even if a lot of liquid flows out of the reservoir. A reservoir may physically be a lake or a large diameter tank.
What is a 'main' and a 'lateral'? A 'main' is a large diameter supply pipe that has many smaller diameter 'laterals' branching off of it. In fluid mechanics, we set V=0 for the main since it has a large diameter (relative to the lateral) and thus a very small velocity. To further justify the V=0 assumption, the main's pressure is typically high, so the velocity head in the main is negligible. The main is drawn such that it is coming out of your computer monitor.
Can I calculate pipe flow between two reservoirs using either Scenario B or E? Yes, you can. If using Scenario E, just set P1-P2=0. Scenario B automatically sets P1-P2=0.
Can I calculate pipe flow between two mains using either Scenario B or E? Only if the pressure is the same in both mains.
How do I model a pipe discharging freely to the atmosphere? Use Scenario A, C, or F. Since P2=0 (relative to atmospheric pressure), P1-P2 that is input or output will be P1.
What are minor losses? Minor losses in pipe flow calculations are head (energy) losses due to valves, pipe bends, pipe entrances (for fluid flowing from a tank to a pipe), and pipe exits (fluid flowing from a pipe to a tank), as opposed to a major loss which is due to the friction of fluid flowing through a length of pipe. Minor loss coefficients (Km) are tabulated below. For our pipe flow calculator, all of the pipes have the same diameter, so you can add up all your minor loss coefficients and enter the sum in the Minor Loss Coefficient input box.
Why do I sometimes get the message when running the pipe flow calculator, 'Infeasible Input'? The governing equations for fluid flow must be satisfied. Fluids must flow from higher energy to lower energy; driving head must always be > 0. Pipe roughness, fluid viscosity, pipe diameter, and velocity must be such that the Reynolds number is <=108 and other conditions shown with the pipe flow equations below are satisfied. It is possible to enter values into the pipe flow calculator that are not physically or mathematically feasible.
I'm confused about pumps. Only input Pump Head if the pump is between points 1 and 2. Otherwise, enter 0 for Pump Head. Pump Head, Hp, is also known as total dynamic head.
Your pipe flow calculator is great! What are its limitations? Pipes must all have the same diameter. Pump curves cannot be implemented.
What is Driving Head? See above in the variable definitions.

Pipe Flow Calculator ReferencesBack to Calculation
Cimbala, John M. and Yunus A. Cengel. 2008. Essentials of Fluid Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications. McGraw-Hill.

Flow State 1 327 Intake Manifold

Crane Co. 1988. Flow of Fluids through Valves, Fittings, and Pipe. Technical Paper 40 (TP-40). Apollo one 2 07 – feature rich media viewer gratis.

Munson, Bruce R. Donald F. Young, and Theodore H. Okiishi. 1998. Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics. John Wiley and Sons. Inc. 3ed.

Streeter, Victor L., E. Benjamin Wylie, and Keith W. Bedford. 1998. Fluid Mechanics. McGraw-Hill. 9ed.

Flow State 1 327 Hemi

© 1999-2017 LMNO Engineering, Research, and Software, Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please contact us for consulting or questions about pipe flow.
LMNO Engineering, Research, and Software, Ltd.
7860 Angel Ridge Rd. Athens, Ohio 45701 USA Phone: (740) 707-2614

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